面部及其表达是数字图像的有效科目之一。检测图像的情绪是计算机视野领域的古代任务;然而,从图像进行反向合成的面部表达式 - 是非常新的。使用不同面部表情的再生图像的这种操作,或者改变图像中的现有表达需要生成的对抗网络(GaN)。在本文中,我们的目标是使用GaN改变图像中的面部表情,其中具有初始表达式(即,快乐)的输入图像被改变为同一个人的不同表达式(即,厌恶)。我们在Mug数据集的修改版本上使用了Stargn技术来完成此目标。此外,我们通过在从给定文本中的情感指示的图像中重塑面部表情进一步扩展我们的工作。因此,我们应用了一个长期的短期内存(LSTM)方法来从文本中提取情绪并将其转发给我们的表达式更改模块。作为我们的工作管道的演示,我们还创建了一个博客的应用程序原型,该博客将根据用户的文本情绪与不同的表达式重新生成配置文件图片。
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Data trading is essential to accelerate the development of data-driven machine learning pipelines. The central problem in data trading is to estimate the utility of a seller's dataset with respect to a given buyer's machine learning task, also known as data valuation. Typically, data valuation requires one or more participants to share their raw dataset with others, leading to potential risks of intellectual property (IP) violations. In this paper, we tackle the novel task of preemptively protecting the IP of datasets that need to be shared during data valuation. First, we identify and formalize two kinds of novel IP risks in visual datasets: data-item (image) IP and statistical (dataset) IP. Then, we propose a novel algorithm to convert the raw dataset into a sanitized version, that provides resistance to IP violations, while at the same time allowing accurate data valuation. The key idea is to limit the transfer of information from the raw dataset to the sanitized dataset, thereby protecting against potential intellectual property violations. Next, we analyze our method for the likely existence of a solution and immunity against reconstruction attacks. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on three computer vision datasets demonstrating the advantages of our method in comparison to other baselines.
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Recently, online social media has become a primary source for new information and misinformation or rumours. In the absence of an automatic rumour detection system the propagation of rumours has increased manifold leading to serious societal damages. In this work, we propose a novel method for building automatic rumour detection system by focusing on oversampling to alleviating the fundamental challenges of class imbalance in rumour detection task. Our oversampling method relies on contextualised data augmentation to generate synthetic samples for underrepresented classes in the dataset. The key idea exploits selection of tweets in a thread for augmentation which can be achieved by introducing a non-random selection criteria to focus the augmentation process on relevant tweets. Furthermore, we propose two graph neural networks(GNN) to model non-linear conversations on a thread. To enhance the tweet representations in our method we employed a custom feature selection technique based on state-of-the-art BERTweet model. Experiments of three publicly available datasets confirm that 1) our GNN models outperform the the current state-of-the-art classifiers by more than 20%(F1-score); 2) our oversampling technique increases the model performance by more than 9%;(F1-score) 3) focusing on relevant tweets for data augmentation via non-random selection criteria can further improve the results; and 4) our method has superior capabilities to detect rumours at very early stage.
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Federated Learning (FL) has become a key choice for distributed machine learning. Initially focused on centralized aggregation, recent works in FL have emphasized greater decentralization to adapt to the highly heterogeneous network edge. Among these, Hierarchical, Device-to-Device and Gossip Federated Learning (HFL, D2DFL \& GFL respectively) can be considered as foundational FL algorithms employing fundamental aggregation strategies. A number of FL algorithms were subsequently proposed employing multiple fundamental aggregation schemes jointly. Existing research, however, subjects the FL algorithms to varied conditions and gauges the performance of these algorithms mainly against Federated Averaging (FedAvg) only. This work consolidates the FL landscape and offers an objective analysis of the major FL algorithms through a comprehensive cross-evaluation for a wide range of operating conditions. In addition to the three foundational FL algorithms, this work also analyzes six derived algorithms. To enable a uniform assessment, a multi-FL framework named FLAGS: Federated Learning AlGorithms Simulation has been developed for rapid configuration of multiple FL algorithms. Our experiments indicate that fully decentralized FL algorithms achieve comparable accuracy under multiple operating conditions, including asynchronous aggregation and the presence of stragglers. Furthermore, decentralized FL can also operate in noisy environments and with a comparably higher local update rate. However, the impact of extremely skewed data distributions on decentralized FL is much more adverse than on centralized variants. The results indicate that it may not be necessary to restrict the devices to a single FL algorithm; rather, multi-FL nodes may operate with greater efficiency.
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The lack of standardization is a prominent issue in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. This often causes undesired contrast variations due to differences in hardware and acquisition parameters. In recent years, MR harmonization using image synthesis with disentanglement has been proposed to compensate for the undesired contrast variations. Despite the success of existing methods, we argue that three major improvements can be made. First, most existing methods are built upon the assumption that multi-contrast MR images of the same subject share the same anatomy. This assumption is questionable since different MR contrasts are specialized to highlight different anatomical features. Second, these methods often require a fixed set of MR contrasts for training (e.g., both Tw-weighted and T2-weighted images must be available), which limits their applicability. Third, existing methods generally are sensitive to imaging artifacts. In this paper, we present a novel approach, Harmonization with Attention-based Contrast, Anatomy, and Artifact Awareness (HACA3), to address these three issues. We first propose an anatomy fusion module that enables HACA3 to respect the anatomical differences between MR contrasts. HACA3 is also robust to imaging artifacts and can be trained and applied to any set of MR contrasts. Experiments show that HACA3 achieves state-of-the-art performance under multiple image quality metrics. We also demonstrate the applicability of HACA3 on downstream tasks with diverse MR datasets acquired from 21 sites with different field strengths, scanner platforms, and acquisition protocols.
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Optimal Transport (OT) provides a useful geometric framework to estimate the permutation matrix under unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding (CLWE) models that pose the alignment task as a Wasserstein-Procrustes problem. However, linear programming algorithms and approximate OT solvers via Sinkhorn for computing the permutation matrix come with a significant computational burden since they scale cubically and quadratically, respectively, in the input size. This makes it slow and infeasible to compute OT distances exactly for a larger input size, resulting in a poor approximation quality of the permutation matrix and subsequently a less robust learned transfer function or mapper. This paper proposes an unsupervised projection-based CLWE model called quantized Wasserstein Procrustes (qWP). qWP relies on a quantization step of both the source and target monolingual embedding space to estimate the permutation matrix given a cheap sampling procedure. This approach substantially improves the approximation quality of empirical OT solvers given fixed computational cost. We demonstrate that qWP achieves state-of-the-art results on the Bilingual lexicon Induction (BLI) task.
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Handling and digesting a huge amount of information in an efficient manner has been a long-term demand in modern society. Some solutions to map key points (short textual summaries capturing essential information and filtering redundancies) to a large number of arguments/opinions have been provided recently (Bar-Haim et al., 2020). To complement the full picture of the argument-to-keypoint mapping task, we mainly propose two approaches in this paper. The first approach is to incorporate prompt engineering for fine-tuning the pre-trained language models (PLMs). The second approach utilizes prompt-based learning in PLMs to generate intermediary texts, which are then combined with the original argument-keypoint pairs and fed as inputs to a classifier, thereby mapping them. Furthermore, we extend the experiments to cross/in-domain to conduct an in-depth analysis. In our evaluation, we find that i) using prompt engineering in a more direct way (Approach 1) can yield promising results and improve the performance; ii) Approach 2 performs considerably worse than Approach 1 due to the negation issue of the PLM.
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The extent to which men and women use language differently has been questioned previously. Finding clear and consistent gender differences in language is not conclusive in general, and the research is heavily influenced by the context and method employed to identify the difference. In addition, the majority of the research was conducted in written form, and the sample was collected in writing. Therefore, we compared the word choices of male and female presenters in public addresses such as TED lectures. The frequency of numerous types of words, such as parts of speech (POS), linguistic, psychological, and cognitive terms were analyzed statistically to determine how male and female speakers use words differently. Based on our data, we determined that male speakers use specific types of linguistic, psychological, cognitive, and social words in considerably greater frequency than female speakers.
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孟加拉国手语(BDSL)与其他标志语言一样 - 对于普通人来说很难学习,尤其是在表达信件时。在这张海报中,我们提出了Persign,该系统可以通过引入标志手势来重现人的形象。我们使此操作个性化,这意味着生成的图像可以保持人的初始图像轮廓 - 脸部,肤色,服装,背景 - 不变,同时适当地改变了手,手掌和手指位置。我们使用图像到图像翻译技术并构建相应的唯一数据集来完成任务。我们认为,翻译的图像可以减少签名者(使用手语的人)和非签名者之间的沟通差距,而无需事先了解BDSL。
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